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Five Steps to Safe and Efficient Collection

County Waste and Recycling, South Cairo, NY, strives to assure the complete safety of our customers, our employees and the public in all our operations. Protection from accident or injury is paramount in all we do.

5 Steps to Safe & Efficient Collection

  1. Place only allowed materials in the cart(s) and do not overfill
  2. Bag all garbage materials AND close the lid to prevent littering
  3. Place the carts at the end of your driveway the night before your collection day
  4. Space carts for safe and efficient collection (see diagram)
  5. After cart is emptied, remove from driveway

Please show other members of your household this cart placement diagram. When you and your neighbors place carts a safe distance from other carts and objects, it allows the auto side load trucks to safely and promptly empty carts.

Cart Spacing

Why Cart Spacing Matters

  • The 18’ height spacing is needed to reduce overhead hazards like powerlines and trees.
  • The 3’ cart spacing is needed due to the physical limits of the auto load system.
  • The 5’ distance from other objects keeps people and things like mail boxes, cars, and trees safer.

Everyone Benefits

When each household consistently follows the 5 Steps to Safe & Efficient Collection everyone benefits with:

  • Safety
  • Timely Service
  • Cleaner Neighborhoods

Thank you for taking the steps to make residential trash collection more safe and efficient for you, your neighbors and customers, and County Waste & Recycling. If you have any questions about County Waste & Recycling’s services, contact us online.

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